Membership Class Properties
1-passwordAttemptWindow —> I want to lock out a user after 5 failed password attempts with no
Password attempt window. Meaning after 5 bad attempts, the account is locked until an administrator
unlocks the account.
2-ApplicationName—> Gets and sets an optional string to identify the application.
3-EnablePasswordReset—> Returns true if the provider supports password reset.
4-EnablePasswordRetrieval—> Returns true if the provider supports password retrieval.
5-HashAlgorithmType —> Returns a string representing the hash algorithm that will be used for
passwords, assuming that the feature has been configured to use hashing.
6-MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts —> Returns the maximum number of invalid password attempts
allowed before the user is locked out.
7-MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters —> Returns the minimum number of punctuation
characters required in the password.
8-MinRequiredPasswordLength —> Returns the minimum required length for a password.
9-PasswordAttemptWindow —> Returns the time window for failed password attempts. If the
maximum number of invalid password or password answer attempts is exceeded within this time
interval (in minutes), the user is locked out.
10-PasswordStrengthRegularExpression —> Returns the regular expression with which the password
must comply.
11-Provider —> Returns an instance of the currently configured provider.
12-Providers —> Returns the collection of all registered providers.
13-RequiresQuestionAndAnswer —> Returns true if the provider requires a password question/answer
when retrieving or resetting the password.
14-UserIsOnlineTimeWindow —> Specifies the time window, in minutes, for which the user is
considered to be online after user activity.
Membership Class Shared Methods
1-CreateUser —> Creates a new user and fails if the user already exists.
2-DeleteUser —> Deletes the user corresponding to the specified name.
3-FindUsersByEmail —> Returns a collection of membership users whose e-mail address matches the
specified e-mail address.
4-FindUsersByName —> Returns a collection of membership users whose user name matches the
5-GeneratePassword —>Generates a random password of the specified length.
6-GetAllUsers —> collection of all users.
7-GetNumberOfUsersOnline —> Returns the total number of users currently online.
8-GetUser —> Retrieves the MembershipUser object associated with the current or specified user.
9-GetUserNameByEmail —> Obtains the user name that corresponds to the specified e-mail address.
This method assumes that the e-mail address is a unique identifier in the user database.
10-UpdateUser —> Takes a MembershipUser object and updates the information stored for the user.
11-ValidateUser —> Authenticates a user using supplied credentials.
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