<body>, <html> etc.
Master page is nothing but a common page which holds a common content so that you can use it across
multiple pages. That means if you want to display menu on 3-4 pages, you can write the code into
master page and use it on all pages. This way you don’t have to write same code again and again on all
3-4 pages.
This is also another type of form which exists with master page, Basically content page is the page which
holds un-common content where master page contains common content among lets say 3-4 pages. You
get <asp:content> tag in this type of paSoolutiom In a normal website, you create a content page by
ticking the “Select Masterpage” checkbox when adding a page. For Web Application Projects, you need
to select Web Content Form to create a content page and a Web Form to add a normal (no masterpage)
- —-> In a normal website, you create a content page by ticking the “Select Masterpage” checkbox when
adding a page. For Web Application Projects, you need to select Web Content Form to create a content
page and a Web Form to add a normal (no masterpage) page..
- —-> Web content is the textual, visual or aural content that is encountered as part of the user
experience on websites.It may include, among other things: text, images, sounds, videos and
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