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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Example of Dictionary Class

A Dictionary class is a data structure that represents a collection of keys and values pair of data. The key is identical in a key-value pair and it can have at most one value in the dictionary, but a value can be associated with many different keys.
This class is defined in the System.Collections.Generic namespace, so you should import or using System.Collections.Generic namespace.


TKey - The type of the keys in the dictionary.
TValue - The type of the values in the dictionary.

Input Occupancy String format:
Room_Adult_Children_Age  : 1_2_1_10  [room always in string 1]
1_2_1_10 ; 1_2_1_8   or 1_2_1_10  ; 1_2_1_8  ; 1_2_1_5 
Output: 2_1_2_10_11
Input: 1_1_0_-1; 1_1_0_-1
Output: 2_1_0_-1
Input: 1_2_2_6_8  ; 1_2_2_4_6  ; 1_2_2_6_9 
If you want to search for 2 single room with 2 adult and 0 child you pass the occupancy like that:
Input: 1_2_0_-1 ; 1_2_0_-1

If 2 or 3 room then Input Occupancy string format:

Scenario 1: Search for 1 Adult
If you want to search for 1 single room with 1 adult and 0 child you pass the occupancy like that: Input: 1_1_0_-1
Where -1 stands for an age of an adult which is not required so we pass it -1.

Scenario 2: Search for 1 Adult and 2 Children
If you want to search for 1 single room with 1 adult and 2 child you pass the occupancy like that:
Input: 1_1_1_10;1_1_1_11

 where 10 stand for the first age of the first child and 11 stands for the second age of the child.

Scenario 3: Search for 2 rooms one for 1 Adult and 0 Children and the Second for 2 Adults
If you want to search for 2 rooms with 1 adult and 0 children and another room for 2 adults and 0 children you pass them like that:
Input: 1_1_0_-1;1_2_0_-1

Output: 1_1_0_-1;1_2_0_-1

Scenario 4: Search for 2 rooms for the same 1 Adult and 0 Children.
It will be like that

Scenario 5: Search for 3 rooms for the same 2 Adult and 2 Children.
It will be like that
Output: 3_2_2_6_8_4_6_6_9
Scenario 6: Search for 2 Adult 0 Children
Output: 2_2_0_-1

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form2 : Form
        public Form2()

        public string GroupOccupancy(string occupancy)
            string abc = "";

            string[] arrOccupancy = occupancy.Split(';');
            List<string> objage = new List<string>();

            /*The Dictionary type provides fast lookups with keys to get values. With it we use keys and values of any type, including ints and strings.*/

            Dictionary<object, int> DifferentCarcategory = new Dictionary<object, int>();            

            foreach (Object obj in arrOccupancy)
                /*ContainsKey method. It returns true if the key was found.*/
                string sssdd = Convert.ToString(obj).Substring(0, 5);
                //sssdd = Regex.Replace( "@"+sssdd , "@\\s*[\\d]+?_", "");
                if (!DifferentCarcategory.ContainsKey(sssdd))
                    int totallength = Convert.ToString(obj).Length;
                    String age = Convert.ToString(obj).Substring(5, totallength - 5);

                    DifferentCarcategory.Add(sssdd, 1);


                    int totallength = Convert.ToString(obj).Length;
                    String age = Convert.ToString(obj).Substring(5, totallength - 5);


            /* use foreach syntax and KeyValuePair generics in the foreach loop. With collections like Dictionary, 
             * we must always know the value types. With each KeyValuePair, there is a Key member and Value member.*/

            foreach (string kvp in DifferentCarcategory.Keys)
                string strkv = kvp;
                if (Convert.ToInt32(DifferentCarcategory[kvp]) == 1)
                    abc = abc + ";" + kvp;
                    /*Regex.Replace static method with a string replacement.The "\d" metacharacter matches digit characters.  */
                    abc = abc + ";" + Regex.Replace(kvp, "^[\\d]*?_", Convert.ToString(DifferentCarcategory[kvp]) + "_");
            int spiltindex = 0;
            abc = abc.Trim().Trim(';');
            String sssnew = "";
            string xxxx = "";
            foreach (string kvp in objage)
                if (!abc.Contains(";"))
                   abc = abc + kvp;

                    sssnew = sssnew + abc.Split(';')[spiltindex] + kvp + ";";

           //this condition for no child case in this case only pass (-1) one time in string.
            xxxx = Convert.ToString(abc).Substring(3, 2);
            if (xxxx == "_0")
               abc = Convert.ToString(abc).Substring(0, 8);
            abc = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sssnew) ? abc : sssnew;
            abc = abc.Trim().Trim(';');
            return abc.ToString();


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            label1.Text = GroupOccupancy(textBox1.Text);

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