DataTypes In C#
Value Based Datatypes:
Value based datatypes are those which store the data directly into the variables. Value based datatypes can further be classified as simple types, enum-type and struct-type. We follow a different type of classification which is based on the "data-type".
1.Integral types
2.Floating point types
3.Decimal type
4.Bool type
5.Integral types
C# supports 9 different integral types.
Type # Integral type Data Type Default Value Range
1 sbyte 8-bit signed integer 0 -128 to +127
2 byte 8-bit unsigned integer 0 0 to 255
3 short 16-bit signed integer 0 -32,768 to +32,767
4 ushort 16-bit unsigned integer 0 0 to 65535
5 int 32-bit signed integer 0 -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
6 uint 32-bit unsigned integer 0 0 and 4294967295
7 long 64-bit signed integer 0 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to+ 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
8 ulong 64-bit unsigned integer 0 0 to 18446744073709551615
9 char 16-bit unsigned integer '\x0000' 0 to 65535
// Example that demonstrates integral datatypes in C#
using System;
class integral_dtypes
public static void Main(string[] args)
sbyte sb=-125;
byte b=125; // try assigning -125 to this variable
short s = -32225;
ushort us = 32225; // try assigning -32225 to this variable
int i = -123456789;
uint ui = 123456789; //try assigning -123456789
long l = -123456789;
ulong ul = 11112222333344445555;
char c = 'a';
Console.WriteLine("Signed byte: " + sb);
Console.WriteLine("Unsigned byte: " + b);
Console.WriteLine("Signed short: " + s);
Console.WriteLine("Unsigned short: " + us);
Console.WriteLine("Integer: " + i);
Console.WriteLine("Unsigned integer : " + ui);
Console.WriteLine("Long: " + l);
Console.WriteLine("Unsigned Long: " + ul);
Console.WriteLine("Character: " + c);
Signed byte: -125
Unsigned byte:125
Signed short:-32225
Unsigned short:32225
Integer: -123456789
Unsigned integer :123456789
Long: -123456789
Unsigned Long:11112222333344445555
Character: a
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