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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Online seo on CS page by C# code

//***********Page Title **********************************************************
        Page.Title = dr["Book_name"].ToString();

void _HtmlMetaTags()
        HtmlMeta myMetaKeyWords = new HtmlMeta();
        HtmlMeta myMetaDescription = new HtmlMeta();
        HtmlMeta myMetaRobot = new HtmlMeta();
        HtmlMeta HTTP_EQUIV = new HtmlMeta();
        myMetaKeyWords.Name = "keywords";
        myMetaKeyWords.Content = "Non-Retail Social Investor, Institutional investor Lender, Not-For-Profit Institutions, CapitalConnect, Social Enterprise, Private Placement Market, Start-up Enterprises, exit option, Social Investment Trends, Double Bottomline, Private Equity management";
        myMetaDescription.Name = "Description";
        myMetaDescription.Content = "Social enterprise is an organisations that run Non-Retail Social Investor, Institutional investor Lender, Not-For-Profit Institutions.";
        myMetaRobot.Name = "robots";
        myMetaRobot.Content = "index,follow";
        HTTP_EQUIV.HttpEquiv = "Content-Type";
        HTTP_EQUIV.Content = "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1";


Anonymous said...

nice post.
I was searched it from many time.This is so much helpfull.

Thanks for solving my problem

Strechmind....... said...

It is really nice code sir....working gr8. and really helpful......saves time in doing seo manually....good code....hoping for some more code.........